
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Why you should avoid button pusher photographers


Collaboration is the tie that binds.

Previously, I've talked about how important rapport is between the photographer and client during a lifestyle portrait session.

But, that’s not the only important factor beyond their portfolio and price tag that you need to keep in mind.

You also need to figure out if the photographer is simply a button pusher or a collaboration partner in your success.

When I first started out as a young, portrait photographer, I was just happy to get photos of clients in focus and the images looked presentable. I had no clue, or desire, to worry about anything beyond that. I’ve done my job, now it’s the client’s job to take it from here.


As the years progressed and the types of clients I worked with evolved, my perspective on the process completely changed.

I realized that portraits for professional use should not be treated as simple point, shoot and smile photos; these are a collection of powerful and purposeful images that paint the picture of their businesses and brands for followers and prospective clients.

This is why it’s critical that you don’t hire a photographer who’s only concerned with surface-level stuff.

Yes, the way you appear in these images is super important, absolutely, but, that’s only part of the equation.

As a high-level, thought leader, you need a photographer who gets you - your personality, goals, dreams, and dedication to your thought leadership - and is able to create and align your image content to that vision.

And the collaboration process begins from the very first phone call.

After you provide the photographer with some background information on your business, brand and how you plan to leverage these portraits, turn the spotlight on them and see how they plan to visually translate this information into your image library.  

Ask them questions such as:

"What types of lifestyle images do you suggest we capture? What types of other image content do you feel is important in presenting my brand? How do you plan to capture my passion for what I do?"

Even if you are getting along fantastically with them on the phone, if you feel that their suggestions are not aligned with how you see yourself, your search for a collaboration partner continues!

Better to find out in a strategy call than on location with lights and a gigantic camera stuck in your face!

How was your last portrait session experience?

Did you feel that your photographer captured your brand and business while also staying true to your personality?

Or, did you struggle with the process?

I can help you with that next go around, :)

Schedule a call with me here and let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together.