
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

Does your image content reflect your core values?


Does your image content reflect your core values?

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If not, it’s time to remedy that situation.


When we’re talking about expert based business owners building a community, we’re really talking about them being able to develop relationships and trust with those they serve. 

Sure, the way they help people get past what’s holding them back is the primary piece to the puzzle. 

But where there’s one expert who specializes in solving the problems they have, there’s tons of others waiting in line to be discovered right behind them. 

So how do you create distinction from the crowd of similar experts? 

Give your audience more of a reason to pay attention to you by sharing with them not only how you specifically go about creating transformation in your clients lives, but you also give them an opportunity to connect with you beyond the work and create a direct entry point in your life.

One way to do that is by illustrating what’s important to you and why you do the things you do by sharing your core values. 

The motivations that make you tick, that gets you excited to jump out of bed every morning - the reason why you’ve dedicated your professional life to serving these folks. 

And you visually punctuate sharing these sentiments through your image content. 


It’s really a combination of elements all playing nicely together - facial expression, body language, activity in which you’re engaged in front of the camera, your outfit, and the location of the photo itself. 

For me, my 5 core values - creativity, authenticity, simplicity, personal growth, and health - are evident throughout the photos I share in my content. My goal is for each photo to display at least 2, if not more, values, directly or in conjunction with the story to which it’s attached. 

While I know that there are dozens of photographers who specialize in serving speakers, trainers and other expert business owners, I know that part of the qualifying process to determine which photographer is a fit goes beyond the work itself. 

That “beyond the work” qualifier is where sharing my values subtextually helps create that desired distinction from everyone else. 

Photos with these qualities allow my audience to truly get a sense of who I am, who I serve and why I do what I do. 

Take a look at the photos you currently have on your website and ask yourself, “do these photos truly share a piece of who I am and what motivates me?”

If not, look into your image content library and see if there are better alternatives that check all the marketing and promotion boxes WHILE ALSO checking the core values box.

This effort will go a long way in attracting those who not only need your help, but also digs what you stand for and value most. 

After all, don’t we all want to work with people who see us as more than simply a solution to their problem? Don’t we all want to work with people we like?

Sharing your core values through your image content will help facilitate this reality.

Not sure where to start?

I can help. 

I have 3 complimentary consultation slots left this month - if you’d like to discuss how I can help, grab one of those slots now and we can take it from there.