
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

Run a mastermind?


Run a mastermind?


Don’t forget the pictures! :)


As many experts understand, it can be tough going about your business alone.

I sure do. 

That’s why mastermind groups are an extremely valuable resource for participants. 

It gives them the opportunity to open up about their businesses and lives in a safe space, sharing their challenges and vulnerabilities with a group of like-minded individuals who want to help. And they, in turn, get to return the favor. 

It’s a win-win all around, which puts a smile on the organizer’s face. 

You know what else makes them happy? 

A collection of candid and compelling photos capturing the magic in the room so that they can share them online to attract more participants for the next go around.

That’s where I come in :)  

Recently, I had a chance to be a fly on the wall during the NSA NYC’s Agility 2022 Mastermind held in Manhattan with participants from other chapters around the country.

Now, I’ve photographed my fair share of masterminds in the past, but this one was special to me as the room was filled with colleagues, mentors and friends alike. 

So I wanted to make extra sure I didn’t drop the ball on my end :) 

The fact that I know the Chapter will use these photos to promote future mastermind groups, I created a shot sheet in my mind as to the types of images that would best serve to promote the experience:

  • Photos of everyone with various expressions on their faces as they engaged the group

  • Close-ups of the facilitator, guest speaker, and participants deep in work

  • Photos of participants working together

  • Details of the space, activities and note taking 

  • And smiles for miles :) 

The truth of the matter is that these objectives fall in line pretty much with every other live event that I photograph, but it's always good to keep the high-level goals always on top of mind as I bob and weave through the space, finding the best angles to capture the magical moments. 

And magical moments, there were, from the beginning of the day until we all ended up at the bar afterwards. 

Take a look:

It was a great day, all around, with lots of epiphanies shared amongst the group, which is, you know, the point of participating in one of these things, after all!

And, when it comes to promoting the next interaction of this mastermind, these types of images will compliment and visually punctuate the sentiment of the stories and testimonials shared by these participants to help attract a brand new cohort.  

If you run a mastermind, be sure to keep this in mind when looking to attract a recurring cycle of people. 

Don’t just simply tell people how transformative the experience is, show them through photos of the participants engaging, taking notes, asking questions, sharing their vulnerabilities and wins. 

It’ll provide your audience an opportunity to visualize what it would be like to be in that room themselves, which is the first step to getting them to sign up. 

If you’re curious to learn what it would look like for me to capture your next mastermind, set up a time to chat with me to see if we’re a fit to work together.