
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

Let them know you're thinking about them


Since social media is a “social” experience...


...communicate with your people to let them know you’re thinking about them.


When I was a little kid, I hated catching up with friends over the phone. 

Now, this was in the 1980’s when phones had dials and cords - I know, I’m dating myself here, but whatever - and I hated having personal conversations with my parents within earshot. 

As a result, we got around that with a more simplified approach. 

I would walk down the block to their house, stand in front of their living room window, and yell out their name until they stuck their head out the window. 

Either they’d come outside and we’d hang out on the stoop for a bit, or, they kept their head out the window and we chatted that way.

Ah, such a simpler time, right? 

While not the most technical approach to communication, it was effective in helping us all keep in contact with each other. 

As an adult, I look back in fondness at this time in my life…

...and still continue this practice of keeping up with my friends and colleagues today, albeit in a slightly different way. 

While the screaming and yelling has been retired, it’s been replaced by the comment option found within every social media platform.

Think about it:

How many times have you posted something online and a colleague that you haven’t spoken to in a while leaves a comment, and that eventually sparks a catch-up conversation?

For me, that happens several times a month, and I really appreciate the thought. It lets me know that people are paying attention and thinking about me. 

Isn’t that sweet? :) 

While social media can become a dumpster fire of biblical proportions for many many reasons, this happens to be a positive byproduct of taking part in it.

And, It’s not a grand gesture or a time consuming activity. It’s short, sweet and to the point.. 

So, the next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling down one of your social feeds, rather than going on a “smashing the like button” spree, take a second to craft a meaningful comment to let your people know you’re thinking about them. 

It’ll go a longer way to nurturing the connections with those in your community...

...and it’s a lot quieter than screaming out their names in the middle of the street :) 

For more information on persuasive and compelling storytelling for Expert business owners, I share a ton of insights in my newsletter. I also talk about photos, too :) 

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