
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

Hedging my bets


If you want to present yourself as an expert, you have to own it.


That also goes for the experts who work with experts, too.


For the first two years of my photo business, I had a really hard time calling myself a professional photographer. 

I presented myself as a slashie.

“Hi, I’m John. I’m a video producer…slash photographer.”

Over and over and over again. 

Truth be told, at that time, I was still offering video content services, but only because I was desperate to keep the lights on, so I did it because that work was more available to me at the time. 

While that was true, there also was a deep-rooted issue at play here. 

I felt too insecure and self-conscious to label myself a professional photographer even though that’s really all I wanted to be known as moving forward.

Long story short, I felt like a fraud. 

And, it bothered me. 

One day, I was speaking with a couple colleagues after a networking event, and when a new person joined the group, I, once again, referred to myself in that wishy-washy, slashie kinda way. 

After that event, one colleague addressed it with me in private.

He mentioned that the way I introduce myself immediately reveals a complete lack of confidence in my photography abilities, which is not a good thing when looking to create an honest and favorable first impression. 

It was hard to hear this because it was true. 

Even worse, I still didn’t feel confident enough to do anything about it…

except when that same colleague would nudge me when I would go into slashie mode in front of him, that is. 

Every single time. 

Eventually, I had a come to Jesus moment with my insecurities. 

On the one hand, I simply didn’t feel I had the chops to make this bold claim. On the other, I realized that this assessment was false because, for years, I’ve been paid to take people’s photographs, albeit for a variety of different types of projects and not just for speakers and other experts. 

After wrestling with this struggle for a bit, I came to the conclusion that if I’m going to walk this path on my own as a professional photographer, I needed to own it. 

Whether I was comfortable with it or not, I leaned into it.

And from that point forward, the slashie crap was retired, as was my video production services.

Stepping into who you are and how you serve is a challenge all experts face at one time or another. And sometimes, that challenge can last for years.

But the key to moving forward always starts with the ability to own it, regardless of where you are with your business and life. 

  • It attracts better clients. 

  • It inspires better work. 

  • It fosters a better life for yourself. 

So, if you find yourself struggling with feeling like an insecure fraud, take a moment to pause and challenge that assertion with logic and reason. 

Challenge it with all of the experiences and insights you currently possess.

And realize that while your growth and evolution as an expert service provider is never over,  you have the ability to help those you serve from exactly where you’re standing right now. 

And those people will be grateful for your efforts…whether you like it or not :)

Over to you…

When was the last time that you felt like a fraud? How did you end up getting past that feeling? Please share in the comment section below.