
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Isn't that magical?


When you set a course of your own making…

102817 PICZ - MAURICE JD PORTRAITS-0645.JPG’s a pretty magical experience.


There’s hardly a day that goes by where I don’t utter the word “magical” at least once in conversation.

I’ve had plenty of people bust my chops about it on more than one occasion. But regardless, it’s still one of my favorite words to use.


Well, for many years, the world didn’t look very magical to me. 

Far from it. 

Those days were filled with doubt, frustration, anger and resentment.

And loads and loads of fear. 

I felt something was missing from my life and lived exclusively in the hamster wheel - commute to work, stay there for 12-14 hours a days, go home, eat dinner, rinse and repeat.

For years. 

And it was killing me slowly. 

And then one day, I decided it was time to break the loop and try something else. 

No real plan. No charted course. Nothing.

Just figure it out as I go by doing something that I had rarely done up until that point.

Have belief in myself that I will be able to figure it out and be happy.

Now, for someone who grew up in a household that preached stability and health benefits and opted for the practical, smart play, this was a pretty tough sell to myself, which was probably why it took so long to happen.

But, I jumped out the window and did it. 

And for the first couple years on my own - well, I did have my cameras, at least - it was a throw-up inducing, roller coaster ride that knocked me all over the place. 

I would wake up from a sound sleep at 3am and wonder what the fuck I was doing with my life. Why would I walk away from a sure thing for uncertainty. 

Why would I reject the life I was living?

It just wasn’t doing it for me.

While working in the talk television world had its moments of excitement and I was able to meet some really cool and interesting people, I always felt there was something missing.

What was missing? 

Working in service of others.

I had always downplayed this concept through the years, never really thought much of it. I assumed that this was for someone else, not me. I was a cog in the machine, and that’s how I saw my life.

But over time, and with the help of some amazing folks Ive met along the way, I was able to understand the value and importance of offering value in service of others.

And it’s not just about serving others - it’s that those “others” served their own communities in one way, shape or form. That’s what speakers, trainers, consultants and other expert-based business owners do.

I’m fortunate and very grateful to work with those who help others get past what’s holding them back. 

Helping those who help others - has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

After all, they helped me see my purpose in life - it’s the least I could do, right?

It’s been a really interesting ride over these past few years - a ride I never thought I had the stones to actually engage in, but all tolled, I can sum up the experiences in one word:

Magical, :) 

And it will continue to be magical until I put my camera down for the last time.

Now to you…

Where’s the  magic in your life? What lights you up?

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