
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

A stage full of life savers


While I find all of my client work fulfilling in one way, shape or form…


…some gigs stand out for reasons beyond the work itself.


I work with experts for a reason. 

They help others get past what’s holding them back. 

While a seemingly simple reason, my ability to translate my art in a way that is of service to those who serve others is extremely fulfilling. 

Now, the bulk of the work involves serving experts whose authority resides in leadership, sales, marketing and other business-related areas.

Every now and then I find myself in a different type of room. 

And those rooms are engaged in actual life and death conversations.

Such was the case recently when I flew down to Dallas for the annual Stop Afib conference. 

For those who aren’t familiar with Afib (Atrial fibrillation), it is the most common irregular heartbeat. 

It’s characterized by heart palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath (or no symptoms at all), it increases your stroke risk 500% and can lead to heart failure and dementia. 

It can also increase your risk of death.

Organized by my client and colleague, Mellanie True Hills, this is the largest patient-run conference on the subject and it involved 17 doctors and other experts sharing their latest findings and expertise from the stage:

In addition to each doctor and expert’s 30-minute presentation, there also were several panel discussions and a chance for participants in the room and watching the livestream to ask questions directly to the experts. 

Another added layer of value was that once the doctors and experts left the stage, they also offered participants in the room to address their questions and concerns off to the side of the stage.  

Quite frankly, it was both an enlightening and humbling experience to be in this room for 4 days. 

Aside from learning a great deal about a debilitating condition, I also was touched by how generous these health practitioners were with their time for a group of folks whose lives were turned upside down through something they never asked to receive. 

It inspired me to look forward to capturing next year’s event :)