
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

The dark side


Sometimes, vivid and lively photos don’t work.


You need to enter the dark side :)


As an expert, you share a wide variety of stories that fall broadly across the emotional spectrum.

Some are inspirational, meant to motivate and uplift your audience into action. Some are informational, meant to educate and enlighten your audience.

And others are more vulnerable, meant to relate and put yourself in your audience’s shoes so they can understand that you’ve been where they currently are. 

When it comes to complementing a vulnerable story with an image, not just any photo will do. 

I mean, think about it…

Let’s say, for example, you share a story where you talk about the beginning of your business where stuff wasn’t really happening for you. Nothing you do, marketing wise, is working, and you’re freaking out. You’re losing faith in your ability to run a sustainable business and have few options left to try. 

It’s a vulnerable, raw and reflective story that requires a photo that visually punctuates this more melancholy tone.

Do you think a smiling photo where you have confetti falling on your head is going to aptly capture the emotional sentiment of this photo?

Okay, that’s a bit over the top - let’s tone it down a bit...

What about a photo where you’re simply smiling broadly while looking out over into the distance? 

While less celebratory, the smile photo doesn’t work, either, as it feels misplaced and untimely based on the subject matter. 

What does work?

Photos that are shot from the dark side. What do I mean by that? 

First off, the tone of your expression is more reflective and pensive - you’re thinking to yourself and not making eye contact with the camera.

Second, the lighting in the image is shadowy and full of contrast, which enhances the reflective tone of your facial expression and body language. 

Do you see how these photos visually punctuate the vulnerable stories you share with your audience?

When you are intentional about pairing your stories with visuals that are emotionally aligned, that creates a more impactful piece of content that will resonate with those who come across it, whether its members of your audience that have been following you for a while, or random passers-by whose attention you’ve now captured based on this post.

When you consistently tell better visual stories, that will maintain the attention of your audience of potential clients, advocates and referral partners.

And once you have their attention, you can nurture the relationship you have with them to the point that they trust you enough to invest in ways you can help solve their problems.

Isn’t that the point? :)

PS - If you’d like to learn more about creating a compelling visual story, sign up for my newsletter where I share a ton of information related to lifestyle portraits and other image content that positions Experts as the authority in their spaces.