
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

What's the ROI on premium photos?


Photos aren’t going to scale your business to immeasurable heights on their own...


...but here’s how they help contribute.


While I’m on podcasts talking about the value of professional photos - branded lifestyle portraits, virtual photos, book images, and live event coverage - this question inevitably comes up in conversation:

What is the ROI for premium photography? 

Now, for years, I struggled with this one as it’s hard to quantify in numbers the value of sharing high-quality image content throughout your online presence.

Will it triple the size of your followers? Can’t claim that to be true.

Can I say that photos will directly result in doubling the size of your business? Nope.

So what is the return on investment?

Attention and positioning.

Let’s face it, there are countless other experts in your space. It’s noisy there with everyone vying for the same sets of eyeballs, looking to draw them into their worlds. 

That’s why it’s essential to share eye-catching, image content that leverages artistry and your personality to inspire those who need your help to stop the scroll, click on the post , read it and follow through on the call-to-action. 

Photos from 10 years ago taken in a photo studio with a dated backdrop just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

You’re not looking for a simple passport photo over here - you need image assets that visually pop.

And not only pop, but also are visually diverse from shot-to-shot - a combination of wide, medium and close-ups, with you engaged in a variety of activities in front of the camera.  

Okay - how do you do that?

  • You share premium photos that clearly illustrate who you are, who you serve, what problems you solve, how you solve them and why you do what you do.

  • You show them how the sausage is made by revealing your day-to-day processes and how you impart your expertise to those you serve.

  • You share photos that show you at the height of your superpowers, whether it’s from the stage, on screen or through your book.

  • And, you offer them glimpses of aspects of your personality and disposition through your facial expression and body language from shot-to-shot.

When you create an image content portfolio that is filled to the brim with images that achieve these goals, you’re allowing your audience to see the immense value that you bring to the table and preview what learning from you looks like.  

This gives you a leg up on other experts who do not invest in nurturing the relationship with their audiences through their online content. 

As a result, your efforts in front of the camera help position you as the go-to authority in your space. 

At the end of the day, a photo isn’t going to inspire someone to sign on the dotted line, but it will get them to pick up the pen!

The work you do in front of the camera inspires people to enter into your world, and from there, it’s up to you to nurture the budding relationship to the point that they trust you enough to spend money on you to help them solve their problem.

Speaking of helping solve problems, I can do just the same for you and your image content needs :)

To take a look at what working with me looks like, check it out here.