
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

Where else?


You know that high-quality images are important to promote your business and brand.


But, are you maximizing the value of your investment? 


On many occasions, a speaker will set up a consultation call for photos because they have an immediate need to fill. 

In most cases, that immediate need is a full website revamp.

And, of course, that need is addressed in spades in the image content portfolio sent to them. 

Now, with every client that I serve, I also point out all of the other potential areas in which these photos can be leveraged…

…and, in case you’re wondering, it’s a lot of places. 

When thinking about your current online presence, and the way in which you serve your people, here are some questions to ask yourself when thinking about how you could leverage the photos in your current image content portfolio:

  • Do I want to leverage an image in my email signature?

  • Should I create more online content?

  • Are there any additional places I can work in photos on my LinkedIn and other social profiles?

  • What about my Amazon profile? Anything I can use to beef that up?

  • When thinking about my trade association profiles, is there room to work in other photos there?

  • How can I use photos from my portfolio in my presentation slides?

  • Can my portraits bump up the production value in my RFP’s?

  • How about in my media kit? What other types of photos make sense there?

  • Is there a place for them in my opt-ins or other giveaways?

  • What about my video content? Can my editor mix photos in with the video? Or, can they create image montages to music?

  • I know I need an image for my blog thumbnails, but how can I incorporate photos into the body of the text?

  • What about my printed materials - do photos make sense here? If so, how?

  • How’s my podcast cover art looking these days? Should I use a portrait for that?

These are just some of the potential areas that you can incorporate image content that’s currently living in the image content portfolio on your computer. 

Don’t let those photos sit there unused - get them out into the world in a way that helps to enhance your brand and business, and capture the attention of those who need your help the most. 

Otherwise, they’re just going to collect dust after your website gets redone and 98% of the photos were left unused. 

Use them for something valuable, folks! 

Now, if you found yourself looking through these questions and realized that while you’d like to incorporate imagery into some of these other areas of your business, but don’t have the right photos to get the job done, there’s ways to solve that problem.

Step one is to set up a call with me

Let’s talk about where you are with your business and where you want to go, and also see if we’re a fit to bridge that gap together.