
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Camera time for me


It’s one thing to talk about the experience of a branded lifestyle portrait session.


It’s another when that experience is captured in candid photos.


As long as I’ve served speakers and other expert-business owners, I’ve preached the importance of showing their clients how the sausage is made through photos. 

I mean, let’s be honest, I’m a real pain in the ass when it comes to stressing that point…and I’m okay with being known as that since it’s that important.

And, we work hard to capture those types of images for their image content portfolios so they can leverage these visual assets across their entire online presence. 

But, here’s the funny thing…

Aside from a couple snaps here and there, mostly captured very generously by makeup artists with a phone, I haven’t practiced what I preached.

I know, I know, it’s pretty lame, right?

While the majority of the images I share are of those I serve, and rightfully so, I recently wanted to fill that massive gap in my image content portfolio.

Not just because I wanted to check a box in my marketing to-do list…

It’s also because when I share photos of myself, I want to recognize the person in those images. And, quite frankly, IPhone photos taken some time ago don’t really inspire me to want to share them. 

I wanted current images that illustrate how I look, how I conduct a session, and what key moments that happen throughout a session look like…

…so I can share with you what working with me actually looks like today. 

As a result, I hired Sam Popp, a talented, local portrait and event photographer to tag along and play in the sandbox with me as I worked with my client, Chris West, during his recent branded lifestyle portrait session.

After spending 4 hours together - and 9 million photos between the two of us - Sam was able to magically capture so many key moments that mattered during the session. 

Setting up the scene. Moving the light into its proper position. Directing. Finding an angle to capture the scene creatively. Reviewing images with the client. Sharing a laugh here and there. 

While the person in front of the camera and the locations change per client, this is exactly what every branded lifestyle portrait session looks like. 

And this set of images is the first time I truly had a birds eye view of it. I have to say, it’s a pretty cool feeling. I feel like I can relate more to how my clients feel when they look at their images.

And, most importantly, I have the opportunity to share these moments behind the moments with you. 

Not bad, right?

What makes it even better is that Sam was a participant in my Deliver Magic training course, so watching her light the room on fire with photos like this inspires an even stronger sense of joy for the entire experience. 

And, it excites me to see how she grows and evolves her work behind the camera as well as her business. 

It was a worthwhile investment, to be sure…

If you haven’t updated your image content portfolio in a while, I suggest you start thinking more seriously about it.

The juice is worth the squeeze :)