
John DeMato Blog

Hi! I'm John. In my blog, I share insights that help Speakers and Expert-based Business Owners create an emotional connection with their audiences through persuasive visual storytelling.

Start with an audit


How well does your website images position you as an authority in your space?


Not sure? Then it’s time to conduct an audit.


Your website is your digital home base.

So clearly, it’s an important piece of real estate that needs special attention. 

Once a year, I spend time during the holidays giving each of my site pages a facelift. Once it’s done, I feel like it clearly encapsulates how I want to position myself as an expert lifestyle portrait photographer to those I serve.

And by December, I’m ready to give it an update as it no longer feels like it hits the mark based on a year of new clients, new experiences and new ways of understanding the problems that I solve. 

And that includes the types of images I use as examples on each of the pages. 

It’s a never-ending, never finished project.

Now, when you look at your website, and specifically, the visual assets used to punctuate the sentiment of the copy, how do you feel about it?

Do you feel like they are doing a good job of capturing your personality and essence, while also simultaneously positioning you as the authority in your space of expertise?

If you’re not sure, then it’s time for you to dive a little deeper and audit your website pages.

Here are some questions to help determine whether your website visual assets are still valuable and relevant, or if it’s time to invest in a facelift:

  • Does the first photo at the top-of-the-fold on your homepage include your face and is clearly visible to your audience both on a laptop/desktop and mobile/tablet screen? Does the expression on your face convey a sense of confidence, approachability and likability?

  • When people go to your contact page, do you have an inviting, friendly portrait on the page to ensure you’re instantly relatable to them?

  • When someone goes to your various services’ pages - speaking, training, coaching, consulting, etc. - how well does your image content on each page reflect and support your process for delivering each service? Do they get a sense of how the sausage is made?

  • Are ALL areas of your business represented in the image content that you share throughout the site?

  • If you have a podcast page, are you leveraging portraits for the thumbnail art?

  • If you have virtual offerings, do you have professional virtual photography that reflects these services?

  • On your media/press and speaker pages, do you have a collection of downloadable portraits for media/podcast outlets and event professionals to use to promote your appearances? If so, do you at least have 1-2 headshots, 1-2 wider portraits and 1-2 vertical portrait for them to choose from?

  • While taking into account all of the copy on your website, do you include images that break up the text and visually punctuate the sentiment of the adjacent copy?

  • Are you using stock photos anywhere on your site? If so, what types of images of you, your team, and/or your clients can replace them?

If you have more NO’s than YES’s to the above questions, then it’s time to start thinking about investing in a brand new image content portfolio that is full of photos that can help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be with your website imagery. 

The more time you run with a website that truly doesn’t serve to position you in the best light, the more time those who could benefit from your help will find other solutions to their problems. 

So, time is of the essence.

And I can help you with that. 

Schedule a call with me and let’s find out if we’re a fit to work together.