
John DeMato Blog

Welcome to the Deliver Magic blog, where experts who speak, coach, train, consult, and write books will find actionable insights to elevate their personal brands through visual storytelling. From strategy tips and branding photography to live event coverage and storytelling techniques, discover step-by-step guides designed to help you align what you say with how you show up in photos. Get ready to unlock the magic behind creating a cohesive visual identity that drives engagement, builds credibility, and inspires your audience. #DeliverMagic

The expression on your face says it all


Expression is the key to your personality


 It’s also the key to developing trust with those you serve which inspires them to take action.


When it comes to assessing the value and impact of a photograph, evaluating it exclusively through the lens of vanity is not enough.

In fact, it’s a disservice to yourself and those with whom you share it if that’s your only concern.

Here’s why.

You could share an absolutely stunning photograph where you’re sitting in your favorite place on the planet, with the most ideal lighting, wearing your favorite outfit, during an amazing moment in your life with a well-seasoned, professional photographer capturing the moment.

Sounds good so far, right? Here’s where the photo op of a lifetime goes off the rails:

If your facial expression is read by your audience as smug, disinterested, pandering, condescending, or even neutral, at best, all the window dressing in the world isn’t going to win your audience’s attention back.


Looks aren’t everything. It’s a part of the thing. And if you treat it as the whole thing, the image goes sideways in a New York minute.

When it comes to creating an image content portfolio of compelling and persuasive images that help market your services, expression matters. 

It matters a lot.

It’s the window into your soul. The essence of your being. A description of your personality.

And THAT is the lens in which you evaluate the value of your image content, because it’s the lens that your audience uses to see who you truly are.

Does this give you permission to look like shit but have a really great smile in front of the camera?

Um, no.

You need to present yourself in the best light possible, regardless of the environment and situation you’re in, but, it can’t be your primary or only concern. 

The goal of your image content is to create an emotional connection with your audience in order to inspire them to care, connect and take action. 

They visually punctuate the sentiment of every story you share online.

And the way you effectively pair a specific story to a photo lies in the sentiment of the expressions that you display in these photos.

If you share a story of struggle and survival, visually punctuate it with a photo that reads as vulnerable and reflective. 

A celebratory anecdote? Visually punctuate it with a photo that illustrates joy and happiness on your face.

When you share image content that represents sentiments that span the emotional spectrum, it helps reinforce the teachable moment found in the story. 

It also displays aspects of your personality.

And these aspects of your personality help those who come in contact with the photo determine whether or not they want to get to know you more.

If they don’t, that’s fine - not everyone is for you.

But if they do, this image content, and that expression in particular, will contribute to fostering a relationship.

And that relationship will develop over time to the point that they will be motivated to follow through on your calls-to-action - visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, attend a webinar, buy your book or online program, commit to your mastermind, etc.


Because they’ve built a rapport with you through your words and images and trust that you’re the solution to their problems.

While a single photo won’t necessarily compel someone to sign on the dotted line, it will, over time, inspire them to at least pick up the pen.

That’s the goal you want to achieve with your image content. And it’s what I set out to do with every shutter click that I take with my client in front of the camera.

 It’s a pretty magical process, if you ask me, :)

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