Got some stuff cookin' for 2023?
Got some stuff cookin’ for 2023? Need photos?
Let’s start talking about them now.
It’s that time again for you to start planning for next year, so it’s time for me to open
up my calendar for 2023, as well.
Tis’ the season, right? :)
With that being said:
If you’re ready to update your lifestyle portraits…
You have a couple big speaking engagements lined up…
You’re launching an online community…
You have a big virtual presentation booked…
You’re launching a new book…
You have something else going on in your business that needs to be photographed…
…Let’s talk and see if we’re a fit to work together and get you on the calendar now before my time is all gobbled up.
Email me at to schedule a call, and we’ll take it from there.
Before we chat, I encourage you to check out my website,, first. You can get a sense of what we can create together, as well as find out other important information, such as rates.
I look forward to creating some magic with you and make 2023 a banner year!