While it’s essential you have a plan going into any photo session, leave room for improvisation when the moment presents itself. This article shares such a moment during a recent portrait session.
Read MoreWhen it comes to locations for your portrait session, don’t settle for something that doesn’t feel like it will compliment and enhance your personality and brand. I talk more about this in the following article.
Read MoreThe closer the camera is to your face, the closer your audience is to understanding who you really are. More on the importance of close-up photos in this article.
Read MoreInstead of spending money on licensing fees for photos that don’t belong to you, create customized stock photos that you own forever. More on that in this article.
Read MoreWhat do you do if you have a service that cannot be photographed because of the confidentiality of the participants? This article shows how I solved this problem for an Expert-business owner client.
Read MoreThere’s a time and a place to break the 4th wall within your image content. This article shares an example of how NOT to break it.
Read MoreThe power of the words we use in our lives and businesses has a profound effect on the way we view those tasks and objectives. In this article, I talk about how the word “photo” and the problems it raises.
Read MoreBefore you invest time and money into hiring a photographer, go on a fact-finding mission and identify the visual gaps from where you are to where you want to be FIRST. This article shares how to do that.
Read MoreDo your photos reflect where you are with your business and life? This article shares why it’s important to answer this question with a yes.
Read MoreBefore you set foot in front of a camera, take care of the temple. How? More on that in this article.
Read MoreWhat are unique wrinkles and nuances in your day-to-day lifestyle that can be photographed during your portrait session? Why is this important? Check out the following article to find out.
Read MoreAs expert business owners, you understand the difficulty in getting attention from those who need your help amongst the noisy online space. This article shares insights on how high-quality photos help create a fair advantage.
Read MoreBased on what I’m seeing on my social media feeds, the new trend seems to be face tuning filter apps. This article shares a warning about using them to restructure your face in the photos you share with your audience.
Read MoreA portrait session photo review is a popular time for experts to crap all over themselves based on the perceived flaws they have in their appearance. This article stresses the need to put those thoughts to the side for the greater good of those you serve.
Read MoreWhat does video B-Roll have to do with lifestyle portraits for expert business owners? The following article fleshes out the connection.
Read MoreDuring my #bookboudoir sessions, I photograph not only the cover, but also the inside details, as well. This article shares my process for figuring out which parts of the book are camera ready.
Read MoreWhen delivering a speech, do you think about the photographer in the room and how to position yourself better on stage to create better photos? This article addresses why you should never do that again.
Read MoreWhen you look at your image content portfolio, do you feel like you’ve set yourself up for success in 2022? Not sure? This article will help guide your decision by asking questions that will lead you to an answer.
Read MoreNYC Persuasive Visual Storytelling Blog | If your photographer behind the camera has a look that might read as anger or frustration, don’t mind them - they’re just in the zone. This article lays out some of the many variables they are considering when taking your pictures during a lifestyle portrait session.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you looked at your speaker kit images? Been that long, huh? Well, this article points out the importance of keeping them up-to-date and shares the types of photos that need to be included.
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